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We, CIRCUITFLEX, invite capable individuals who will work with us to achieve
the dream of a global development of the FPCB industry.
CIRCUITFLEX is a FPCB company specialized in Flexible Printed Circuit Board for Moble Phones, LED Displays and Automotives- the leading technical products of this age- and we welcome individuals with experience in FPCB development. You can apply for a job anytime through our regular and year-round recruitment system.

Recruitment methods: Regular/year-round recruitment system or online recruiting websites.
Application Process
  • Rolling recruitment to Online Recruiting Websites
  • We will contact you separately after you have applied if recruitment is needed in your specified field of interest.
Online Recruiting Websites (http://www.f-pcb.co.kr/recruitment)
  • Receive applicants
  • Documentation screening
  • Interview screening with a staff member
  • Announcement of accepted candidates
  • Admission into CIRCUITFLEX.